Streamlining Government Services

"Achieving Seamless IT Integration and Support Across Multiple Agencies with Service NSW"

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Service NSW, is a NSW government initiative, offering a one-stop-shop for government customers, providing over 800 transactions, including driver licenses, birth certificates, seniors' cards, and fair-trading licenses through a single digital service, phone number, and network of one-stop shops. In 2015, the NSW government launched a program to accelerate the integration of legacy IT services, transitioning them from Roads & Maritime Services (RMS) to Service NSW, with the aim of creating a single agency concept for all government-related transactions.

Initially, the focus was on technical integration points, but the ongoing operational, service level agreements, support roles, and responsibilities remained unclear. This created a level of risk if a service was disrupted or compromised. To address this, a single support agreement needed to be developed that clearly outlined the operational and service support considerations across all teams involved.

The technical solution included three separate networks, seven individual support teams, two external service providers, and three separate ITSM toolsets. The challenge was to facilitate agreement on a consistent set of terminology, priority categorization, response and restoration times, which required a pragmatic approach.

Kirk Penn from Service Management Specialists was engaged to assist, Kirk as a facilitator, conducted an expectation analysis across various teams to understand and negotiate an acceptable level of support based on each team's maturity. He then designed an operational support agreement, including targeted service levels, and worked across teams to provide support context and clarity. Kirk's efforts resulted in a successful walkthrough pack that gained senior management's endorsement and approval.

The service support agreement remains in place today and has been implemented across three government agencies, including TNSW, RMS, and SNSW. It has also been adopted as the enterprise support agreement for services being transitioned from RMS to SNSW. Following his success, Kirk has been appointed as the RMS Service Integration and Management (SIAM) agency representative, playing a prominent role in a broader transport program for NSW.